Membership Rates:
Prepaid 1 Month
Unlock a month of unlimited access! Non-refundable and perfect for short-term enthusiasts or those testing the waters. Dive into the experience without any strings attached!
add unlimited gear rental $35
add unlimited gear rental $35
household 1 month (2 people) $159
add unlimited gear rental $55
Additional children with household
child (each) 0-17yrs. $49
EFT/ Auto Pay
Seamless monthly drafts from your bank account or credit card. Our EFT/ Auto pay Membership includes a $50 initiation fee with no cancellation charges. Planning to wander? Freeze your membership for just $8 per month.
$50 EFT initiation fee
add unlimited gear $35
$50 EFT initiation fee
add unlimited gear $35
$74 per person
$50 EFT initiation fee
add unlimited gear rental $55
Additional children with household
EFT child 0-17yrs./mo $39
Grab our Punchcard - 10 day passes that never expire. Share the thrill with friends or keep them all for yourself. Flexibility meets fun in every punch!
330 S Toole Ave #400, Tucson, AZ 85701
8975 E Tanque Verde Rd #155, Tucson, AZ 85749
(520) 209-2562
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